I first created this felt turkey pattern about a bajillion years ago (no really just about 10) for a old crafting website I used to publish. It was saved on my computer never to see the light of day for the longest time. I even sold some of these little handmade felt turkeys in my Etsy shop! Somewhere, someone, has this very turkey sitting on a shelf somewhere, or perhaps he or she brings it out during the holidays to sit on the Thanksgiving dinner table! After I took down the crafting site, for years I would receive emails from people who had come across the photos of the turkey in my social media accounts. Everyone wanted to know “where could they find this stuffed animal pattern??” So by popular demand, I finally republished the turkey pattern in collaboration with the sewing blog SewMamaSew! And finally, after all these years, […]

Felt Turkey Pattern – Sew Your Own Thanksgiving Turkey Doll! Read More »